Performance Requirements

There are no music selection requirements. Music selection is at the discretion of the director.

Your Performance

All ensembles are allotted no more than twenty minutes of performance time. Recordings may include:

  1. Instrumental Ensembles: Two selections of the Director's choice for adjudication
  2. Choral Ensembles: Renaissance Choirs may perform an appropriate number of selections at the Director's discretion, not to exceed 20 minutes. All other choral ensembles should perform two selections of the Director's choice for adjudication.
  3. NOTE: Warm up selections are permitted, but please do not include them in your recording submitted for adjudication.


How to submit your recording

Ensemble recordings will be submitted via a Dropbox link that will be sent to you approximately 1 week prior to the submission deadline. Legally purchased digital scores can also be uploaded via this link. If you choose to sumbit physical scores they should arrive in our offices at least 7 days prior to the submission deadline. Physical scores should be sent to:

EPN Online Festivals
1784 W Schuylkill Road
Douglassville, PA 19518

Recordings, Scores and payment must be received by EPN Online Festivals by the due date.

Once the materials and payment have been received, recordings and scores will be presented to our panel of adjudicators, who will evaluate your performance and upload comments to our website. Awards Plaques, congratulatory letters and scores will be sent to your school following the evaluation. Audio files will be available for download once the evaluation has been completed. An email notification will be sent at that time.