A versatile, unique online adjudicated experience, which allows programs to receive feedback and rating, prior to state assessments, concerts or festivals.

The positive, encouraging feedback that you have come to expect from our adjudicators is now available online.

  • Record a performance from your own school
  • Submit your recording for evaluation
  • Two Experienced adjudicators from around the country will provide feedback and a rating, accessible through FestivalsEdge
  • Every ensemble receives a rating plaque


Call 800-305-7565 or email Chris McKee

Submission deadlines for 2022

Registration Received by: Recordings Submitted by: Results in Festivals Edge:
January 24 February 11 On or before February 24
February 7 February 25 On or before March 10
March 21 April 8 On or before April 21
April 4 April 22 On or before May 3
April 18 May 6 On or before May 17
May 2 May 20 On or before May 31


Give your students an opportunity for feedback from adjudicators across the United States.